October 7, 2016by

KUALA LUMPUR, 7 October 2016 – Green technology for economic and environmental sustainability and resilience has been identified as a significant sector in Malaysia. The Eleventh Malaysia Plan 2016-2020 focuses on green growth and highlighted the need to increase the rate of renewable energy adoption, encourage low carbon mobility, smart cities and others.

Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP), a program under the Science to Action (S2A) Initiative supports the greening of the future through entrepreneurial and innovation approach. This programme has generated significant business opportunities for Malaysians by capturing a slice of the $1.6 trillion market opportunity in clean technology. These businesses created jobs especially for those in the rural areas. The GCIP helps to facilitate entrepreneurship and innovation in four technology categories namely; renewable energy, energy efficiency, waste-to-wealth and water efficiency. GCIP Malaysia is a collaboration between MIGHT, Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

In conjunction with International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference (IGEM), MIGHT hosted a networking session branded as In-GREEN-D’Ent at MIGHT’s pavilion (booth 5422, Hall 5). In-GREEN-D’Ent is the finesse to GCIP program, a platform for networking and knowledge exchange among the current and past GCIP participants, and interaction with VCs and technology companies. Around 100 GCIP alumnus attended In-GREEN-D’Ent together with other 50 partner corporations, ministry and government agencies, industry players, investors and academia. It was officiated by the President and Chief Executive Officer of MIGHT, Datuk Dr Mohd Yusoff Sulaiman.

Prior to In-GREEN-D’Ent, series of nurturing and enrichment sessions for participants were conducted through webinars, training, mentoring sessions conducted by both local and international business coaches and specialist/experts, including those from United States of America (USA). The programme also offers a special webinar session with a Coca-Cola representatives in technology scouting of the potential application in the beverage and drink Industry.

Top 10 finalists out of 25 organisations were announced during the session. The 10 finalist are Maeko, Yjack, Greenovations, IGL Coatings, Suncrox Solar, ICEE International, Ecoloo, Logikation, Neutrinos and Syngas. This 10 finalist will go through another round of pitching where the Top 3 winners will be selected to represent Malaysia at the Cleantech Open Global Forum in San Francisco in February 2017. The top 3 winners including the National Champion of the GCIP2016 program will be announced on 15th November 2016 during the GCIP Gala Award Ceremony.

Datuk Dr Yusoff said that the GCIP program has trained and nurtured about 200 entrepreneurs in the Clean technology segment. These entrepreneurs have successfully developed their ideas into products and are able to package them for the market. Clean technology offers unlimited opportunities, especially for young technopreneurs. He said, “We are thankful for the support given by KETTHA, NRE, MGTC, MOSTI, MOHE, MARA, SMECorp, Cradle, UNIDO, CTO, MAGIC and supporting ministries and agencies in helping us to implement this program successfully and develop a unique eco-system for clean technology and entrepreneurial development. We are also thankful to the highly motivated participants, dedicated trainers and untiring project management team, without which this program could not have been success, It is the hope of MIGHT that this program will be expanded to the ASEAN platform that will increase the pool of would-be entrepreneurs, financing institutions eager to invest in the products development and exposure to the 7th largest market in the world consisting of 620 million people.

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MIGHT Partnership Hub, Jalan IMPACT 63000, Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia

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