Establishment of MIGHT

1st MIGHT Consultation: Smart Partnership

Green Management and Green Technology Report was published.


MIGHT and Commonwealth Partnership for Technology Management (CPTM) jointly organised the 1st Langkawi International Dialogue (LID) to disseminate a Smart Partnership concept to promote global cooperative harmony and prosperity.


The Malaysian Pharmaceutical Industry Action Plan was published as a result of engagement with key stakeholder groups through MIGHT Interest Group (MIG) in pharmaceutical.


Prime Minister launched the National Aerospace Blueprint during the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA) ’97 Exhibition


The National Technology Mapping Programme was introduced as a pillar to support the country’s ability to ‘see’ itself better in the future.

Proposed the development of Langkawi Formula One. F1 Malaysia was launched in 1999.

Published ‘Piloting the Aerospace Industry Take-off: Blueprint for The Aerospace Industry in Malaysia (1997)’. In the same year, Malaysian Aerospace Council (MAC) was established.



Malaysian Herbal Corporation was established and Malaysian Herbal Outlook Report was published.

The Malaysia Aerospace Council chaired by YAB Prime Minister was formed with MIGHT as the Secretariat


Redevelopment of Lapangan Terbang Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Subang (LTSASS), Skypark was established.


National Biotechnology Policy: Biotechnology for Wealth Creation and Social Well-being, The Way Forward was published. Following this, Biotech Corp was established.

Completion of the Yangoon Region Strategic Development Plan study commissioned by the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) for the Yangoon City Development Committee, Myanmar (YCDC) under the ‘Prosper Thy Neighbour’ Project.


The Development of the Maritime Industry blueprint was published with focus on ship building and ship repair to reduce the country’s over dependence on foreign ships.

Technology Depository Agency (TDA) was established after Cabinet based-decision upon the ‘Offset Programmes of the National Defence Procurement’ study recommendations

SENSTECH Sdn Bhd was established to commercialise the national MMChip project.


Malaysian Automotive Institute (MAI) was established as the focal coordination point, centre and think tank for Malaysia’s automotive industry.

Malaysia launched Malaysia-Korea Technology Transfer Gateway (MYKOR) as a collaborative partnership between MIGHT and Korea Technology Transfer Centre (KTTC) to promote higher technology transfer between the two countries.


Global Science & Innovation Advisory Council (GSIAC) was established as an advisory board to improve and optimise Malaysia’s capabilities in the fields of science and innovation.


Aerospace Malaysia Innovation Centre (AMIC) was established to enhance Malaysia’s aerospace industry competitiveness.

The Malaysian Shipbuilding/Ship Repair Industry Strategic Plan 2020 was published through the National Maritime International Forum (NMIF) and MIGHT.


MIGHT launched The National Foresight Institute (myForesight®) to discover new technology frontiers for the nation through the applications of Foresight methodologies and initiatives.


Science to Action (S2A) was launched to raise the nation’s science, technology and innovation profile to assist in national development goals.

National R&D Prioritisation Report was published as a guide to develop and prioritise R&D areas pertaining to STI components in Malaysia.

Malaysian Solar Industry Report 2012/2013 was published.


Malaysian Rail Supporting Industry Roadmap 2030 was published to provide a guideline for the development of the rail industry through to 2030.

The Newton-Ungku Omar Fund was established to address socio-economic issues and cover activities ranging from growing capacities of the Malaysian science and innovation community through fellowship, mobility schemes and joint centres.

The 1st Global Cleantech Innovation Programme (GCIP) for Malaysia was held, jointly organized by MIGHT and UNIDO to nurture local cleantech technopreneurs.

Green Technology Foresight 2030 was published with nine (9) sets of prioritized green technology recommendations.


MYBiomass was established as a platform to realise Malaysian Biomass Initiative (MBI) objectives in optimising Malaysia’s existing advantages in the oil palm industry and capitalise on potential opportunities from the oil palm biomass sector. In an effort to nurture the growth of local biomass industry, the Malaysian Biomass Industry Action Plan 2020 focused on identifying niche areas for Malaysian SMEs to explore in the biomass industry.

MIGHT was appointed as a founding member of the Asian STI Think Tanks Network (ASTN)—a platform that brings together leading figures in S&T policymaking, education, and research to share experience and strategies.

National Composite Centre (NCC) was established to spearhead the development of composite technology development and set up a reference point for all of the nation’s composite initiatives.



The Malaysian Rail Industry Corporation (MARIC) was established.

OECD Report & Policy: Malaysia 2016

The Future of Malaysian Public Service 2020 and Beyond was published. MIGHT took the lead in formulating the strategic outlook and policy directions of the joint initiative between Malaysian Public Service and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).


MIGHT represented Malaysia for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation And Development (OECD), technology policy (TIP) meeting to provide evidence-based advice to member countries in a bid to foster STI policies that enhance productivity, sustainability and inclusivity of a knowledge-driven economic growth.

MIGHT established the Smart City Alliance framework to streamline smart city initiatives among key stakeholder groups.


MIGHT was given the mandate to spearhead the formulation of a newly launched program, Industry 4wrd: National Policy on Industry 4.0 which demonstrates how the government is taking action to help the Malaysian industries adopt Industry 4.0 technologies.

Global Smart Cities Alliance Towards Achieving Sustainable Cities and Communities was launched to showcase local smart city best practices.

Malaysian Technology Strategic Outlook 2017/2018 – Embracing Industry 4.0 was launched to promote awareness on the latest development and challenges shaping local and global high-technology industry landscapes.

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